Friday, July 21, 2006

You Got My Kiss?!!

Liam is big on goodbyes at the moment and quite obsessive about how it's done.

When Ben goes to work in the morning, Liam rushes over to the front verandah to wave goodbye and blow kisses. Ben MUST have the window open to receive the kisses. Liam checks that he's got them by yelling in his loudest, deepest, most serious voice, "YOU GOT MY KISS, DAD???!!!". With each kiss, Liam yells this and Ben MUST acknowledge that he has them by nodding, or preferably yelling "Yes".

It is the funniest routine. And even more funny is the look on people's faces when they hear it!! We live opposite a park and near a high school so there are always people walking past in the mornings. It is so funny - although I think Ben does get a bit tired of the 10 minute + routine every morning!!!

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