Monday, May 29, 2006

And Another Magical Moment......

I was online checking out my emails and stuff when Liam came in asking for some nuts.

I told him to wait a minute.

He asked me again for some nuts.

I said that he could have some but that I wanted to finish looking at something.

Liam said,

"Thanks mum. Thanks. You most awesome mum in whole world!"

I didn't quite understand him but got the "in whole world" bit so I figured it was something nice. And the big smile on his face kind of gave it away too.

So I told him to come over for a cuddle and he said it again,

"You're awesome."

Thanks Liam!! I'm grinning from ear to ear!! What a little charmer!

A Magical Mother's Moment

Liam was sitting on the couch when he notice the rainbows being thrown about the room by one of our crystals.

He told me that they were moving and asked me why.

I said that they were moving because the crystal was moving. Maybe the wind was making the crystal move.

Liam looked at the crystal and, with a big grin on his face, said,

"You were right mum - It is moving! You know lots of things. You're a good mummy."

Awww how nice is that!

New Bed!

I just bought the boys new preloved bunk beds on eBay!

Liam is very excited about having a ladder to climb into bed!

Hope it's in good condition when we pick it up - Here's a picture courtesy of eBay.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

A Weekend Without Daddy!

Ben went away for most of the weekend for a Bucks party.

I wasn't really looking forward to the weekend - after being home with the boys all week I like to have a bit of a break on the weekend!

It turned out great though and the boys and I had a great time (minus the screaming from being overtired and wanting a shower *just* after I'd run the bath!!!). We had to go to a fundraiser for the Birth Centre - The Baby Goods Sale - like a huge garage sale! I was at the front door collecting the entry fee for a few hours. Liam had a ball! There wasn't a lot to do there but there were heaps of toys for sale....... so I just kept sending him to look for good toys. He'd come back with things, we'd check them out and talk about the quality and whether we needed it, then he'd either take it back or put it in our stash. He was in toy heaven! And he absolutely loved it - he had such a good time. I'd have never of thought to take him to a Baby Goods Sale for entertainment but will keep it in mind next time!

Ewan wasn't too thrilled though and stayed close to me. He gets a bit scared in big crowds so I held him in the sling for most of it. Very snuggly and cuddly but I was definately feeling the strain by the end of it!

We got home at around 1pm, had lunch and rests, Liam played with all his new toys, cooked dinner, went to the park and all that. Despite being very tired, the boys perked up after dinner and ran around crazy for a bit. Then we all hopped into bed together. I asked Liam if he wanted to sleep in bed with Ewan and I. The look on Liam's face was priceless - he was so happy that I asked him! He loved it - and slept really well too! It was lovely actually to be able to cuddle up between the two boys for the night. We might have to do it again sometimes before they get too big!

We had pancakes for breakfast when we woke up. Liam was a real gentleman saying "Thank you for making pancakes mum. They are really good. Thanks mum." Awwww what a sweetie!

On Friday night I went to a fundraising night to watch a video of Steve Biddulp speaking about his book "Raising Boys". He said in it that sometimes we drift apart from our children, that they change so much and it can be hard for us to always be on the same wavelength. Liam and I have been through this a number of times and it is always so nice when we come back to each other again. We definately connected this weekend and it has been so precious.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Climbing Boys!

The boys are into climbing at the moment and are loving the big retaining wall in our backyard.

Friday Night at the Movies

Here are the boys all ready to watch Chicken Little!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Making New Friends......

It's amazing the way that kids can meet someone and instantly become friends!

Liam and Ewan made two new friends today - Jasmine and Amber. We have met them before but only briefly about a year ago. As soon as Liam met Jasmine, he was smitten! He started doing his crazy boy thing (he always does it when he meets girls he likes!) - running and throwing himself into things and much to his delight Jasmine thought he was funny!

Ewan, being the copy cat he is, loved Jasmine too and followed her and Liam around with Jasmine's sister Amber, playing hide and seek.

They were all so carefree and happy, hiding together behind palm trees, surrounded by bushes, giggling away when I couldn't find them.

A gorgeous day at the park and so lovely to see them enjoying themselves so much. Liam told Daddy all about it and he can't stop grinning whenever he talks about Jasmine. So sweet!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Culprit Caught on Film!

We finally caught a glimpse of our seedling killer the other night. So when it came back last night we were ready with the camera and got a shot of him fleeing the scene of the crime.

So here he is - Bandicoot the Bandicoot (Liam is very original with his names!!!).

Friday, May 12, 2006

Dream Time Talk

11 May 06
Last night I woke to hear Liam screaming out "Me don't want Bubba touching my Buzz! Stop Bubba!"

Ben was in bed with him and reasurred him that it was only a dream.

10 May 06
Liam told me that he dreamt of lots and lots of spaceships.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Toilet Talk

Liam and Ben were using the toilet together last night.

Ben: Hey don't spray me!

Liam: It's just like a shower dad.

Hmmm not a type of shower I'd like to be in!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Liam Wants a Baby Brother!

Liam has decided that he is ready for us to have another baby! He has it all sorted. He wants a baby brother and he wants to name him Kai.

He said that we have a spare chair at our dinner table so we're all set!

He knows it's not happening anytime soon though..... hope he doesn't mind waiting - cause it will be a while before it happens (just in case any of you are wondering!!!).

Poor Ewan......

It was a gorgeous day and the boys had a nice time playing and exploring at the park. Poor Ewan was in the wars a bit and twisted his ankle! Took him a little bit to figure out how to transfer his weight enough to walk so he ended up on my hip for half of the playgroup - he always enjoys being held though so it was no problem for him! Must say he is getting a bit heavy for me to carry so much but I borrowed a sling from a friend to use and it does help a bit - Plus it's a gorgeous purple paisley fabric so very funky looking!

Ewan was sick on the weekend with asthma again - the 5th or 6th time in a year! The ventolin wasn't working right - we finally figured out it must be because he can't breathe deep enough for the spacer so we have hired a nebuliser to use at home and it's doing the trick. The Dr we saw finally put us on a preventer - I have been wondering recently whether we should be doing something like this but the Dr's we've seen in the past (we've been to them every time he's had an attack) have just sent us home and told us to keep doing what we're doing. Makes me wonder if they really know much about it or if they really care about the long term - they were just random medical centre Drs. So am going to do some ringing around and see if there are any Drs with a special interest in asthma around because I'm not so willing to trust the medical centre ones we've been seeing.

Ewan is so good with his nebuliser and puffers now though - I just tell him "It's time for your medicine" and he trots over and sits up on the couch. And just now, while he was having his nebuliser he was singing away with the face mask on!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Dinner with Uncle Peter and Anni.......

We had the pleasure of meeting Anni, Peter's girlfriend, tonight. Anni and Peter had dinner with us. The boys had a ball playing with them. They especially liked having Anni here! When they arrived, Liam took Anni straight up to show her his room. Ewan didn't stop looking at her the whole night - even when he was eating, and later cornered her on the couch to read countless books with him. He was actually trying to read to her, pointing to the pictures and telling her what everything was.

Meanwhile, Liam, Ben, Peter and I, got busy with the Lego, building spaceships and space buggies.

Disaster Strikes!

Something (I assume it's not a "someone", i.e. one of the boys, because it happened overnight) dug up all our seedlings!!!

Whatever it was didn't eat the seedlings - just made a mess of it all. Not happy!

Party Time!

Yesterday we went to Mitchell's birthday party! He is my godson and turned 1 yesterday - can't believe how quickly the year has gone........ and now that he's one it means Ewan is almost 2!!

The boys had a great time at the party - especially Ewan! He was glued to the food table eating snakes and gummi bear lollies. And when Ben tried to distract him a bit he kept crying saying "I want snake!" We gave him a cracker instead and he threw it away screaming "I want snake!"..... so we know what Ewan's favourite lollies are now! He was sucking them down one after the other. We don't have lollies at home so glad I don't have to deal with it regularly!

Just a few pics from the party too cause the boys looked so cute in their party hats!