Sunday, September 10, 2006

A Night Out!

Last night I had my 10 year school reunion - in Toowoomba. So I was very brave and left Ewan for the first night ever!

We all survived and thrived! It was great! 24 hours alone! I did have a bit of a cry saying goodbye and driving there (big sook!) but after that had a great night.

Ben looked after the boys and they had a great time. Ewan got a bit upset during the night but only for about 10 mins and then resettled.

I came home this afternoon after brunch and browsing garden shops with Aunty Margaret and a friend of hers. The boys were happy to see me when I got home but not too concerned that I had actually been away. I asked them if they had a good time and they both said they had and then Liam said I could go away again! Hmmm the next reunion is 10 years away so I had better find another excuse while the offer is there! It was soooooo nice to have a break!

What was Ben's secret to success?? Movies to watch, popcorn, juice, biscuits, Star Wars games, and cubby house building - kept busy with special treats and full bellies!

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