Friday, September 29, 2006

5th Wedding Anniversay

Tomorrow is mine and Ben's 5th Wedding Anniversary! Can't believe how quickly 5 years have flown by and how much our lives have changed since that day - the arrival of two little boys certainly helped with that!!

We were telling Liam about it today. I asked him what we should do to celebrate (we don't have anything planned!). Liam said that we should have chocolate cake with cream and strawberries. He thinks the cake should be in the shape of a rocket - just like the one he had for his 3rd birthday - but without a number 3.

We didn't get the house we applied for - the owner has decided not to rent it out anymore. So I told Liam that we could have cake tomorrow but will have to go look at some houses as well. The look on his face was priceless - so dissappointed and sad - as he said "Oh no not tomorrow, I don't want to do that tomorrow - not on our anniversary!".

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