Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Some of Our Favourite Things........

Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story is Liam's obsession right now! Liam was lucky enough to get a suprise present from his Pop - his very own Buzz Lightyear with wings that pop out, a laser on his arm, and buttons to push to make Buzz talk. Liam flys Buzz around saying "To Infinion!" - his version of "To Infinity And Beyond!". Buzz has some other Superhero friends in Liam's toy collection too - Batman, an inflatable Captain Underpants and a Lego Robot who has become Buzz's enemy, Zurg - although unlike the Zurg in the movie, Liam's is a "happy robot".

Keeping with the Buzz theme we have both Toy Story 1 and 2 on CD to play in the car. It is a narration of the story with bits from the movies too. Liam loves it! We have to play them whenever we're in the car although I do have mornings where it's "My choice" just for a break. Sure enough though, next time we're in the car Liam pipes up with "It's my choice today. I want my Buzz music on"!!!

Liam also spends hours with Ben building lego space centres, space buggies, and also castle's for the knights too.

Liam is a bookworm too and can sit for ages reading books. He loves longer stories now and doesn't need many pictures anymore to keep him interested. He has a favourite book about Star Wars and all the planets and characters that feature in Star Wars. He knows alot of Star Wars facts which makes his Dad very proud!!

Ewan loves books - his latest thing is bringing us a book saying "Read Book" or "Read Store (Story)". He also loves ripping pages out too though which isn't so great!!
He loves animals and gets excited whenever we come across a dog or a cat. We have lots of toy animals at home and he always goes for the giraffe, penguin or dinosaurs.
Ewan is going through a bit of a throwing stage at the moment too - and with 3 levels in our house it is ideal for this "hobby" of his! He loves throwing Liam's lego creations down the stairs and watching the bits go flying everywhere as they crash on the floor!

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