Friday, April 21, 2006

Friday Fun at the Park!

It was a gloriously beautiful day today! Warm and sunny, with a slight breeze to keep us cool. We took our morning tea over to the park across the road from our house. The boys were very good with checking for cars before we crossed the road - I think we checked each way about 5 times before we could cross!!

Our tomato plant is still growing in the park despite being mown over multiple times by the City Council tractors! I'm planning to pull it up and transplant it in our yard...... hope no one else will miss it!

We also checked out the macadamia tree and finally found some ripe nuts! We have been waiting for weeks for the green casings to crack open. Today we found at least 20 nuts on the ground that looked in good condition. There were a few older looking ones that we left behind - we've tried them before and they weren't any good. The boys loved picking up the nuts and peeling the casings off.

Liam and Ewan did a bit of running too - down the hills mostly. It's so nice to watch them find so much joy in such a simple thing. Ewan is gorgeous as he runs down - giggling and laughing all the way. Liam is a bit more focussed and loved it when I said I'd time him - just counted as he ran to get to the top of the hill. He thought it was great and he tried so hard to run his fastest - pumping his arms as hard as he could - I think it actually slows him down but I think he thinks if his arms are going fast his legs will too!

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