Thursday, August 10, 2006

Liam is 4!

I think the highlight of Liam's day was opening Pop and Heather's present! They gave him a Woody toy (from Toy Story) and it's barely left his side since!

After taking Ben to work, we went to see Nonna and Dida, at Peter's house. Liam got to watch Playschool - bit of a treat as we don't watch TV at home! The boys stood glued to the screen for the whole half hour - they loved it! Then it was off to look at all the animals getting ready for the local show. Ewan and I went to do some shopping and had lunch together. When I asked Liam what he saw he said "Cows and horses. And chickens and ducks". Nonna and Dida said he was more interested in playing with Woody! He made a house for Woody out of some empty drink crates there which he was very proud of!

We had Sausages for dinner - just sausages as requested - and afterwards his cake.

The four of us had our own party with party hats and pass the parcel. There were parachute men and giant balloons between each layer which were a big hit. Liam had told me that he needed more parachute men last week as all his had broken.

Liam also got some Knights Kingdom lego, a dinosaur craft set to make magnets, two Toy Story activity books, a Duplo Jet refueling truck and an animal activity book. He was very happy with his stash to say the least but it has been a challenge to keep Bubba from getting in to it all. Ewan was also a bit upset that he wasn't allowed to take Woody to bed with him!

We made special tie dyed shirts to wear too - Liam's with a number 4 on it and one for Ewan with a number 2.

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