Monday, August 28, 2006

Ewan and His "Boo-ees"

Seems Ewan has an addiction. He's always been very attatched to my breastmilk but lately it's become quite serious. He has his hand down my top for a good part of the day - pretty much the whole time we're together. Drives me insane but he goes even more insane if he's refused access. I'm starting to wonder if there are breast patches you can get for weaning - to help him out with the cravings - kind of like nicotine patches but a much sweeter variety?????

This evening, Ewan was laying on my chest, one thumb in his mouth, the other hand on my breast. I wanted to have a shower but he wouldn't budge. Two year olds are pretty sure about what they want and when they want it - ie NOW. The only way I could get away was by telling him that I needed to wash my boo-ees (as he calls them!) so that he could have nice clean ones. He had a little think and decided that it was a good idea, "Mumma wash boo-ees", he told me as he got up to play until I was done. Yes Master, Ruler of the Boo-ees............

Not sure how much longer we will last but I am a little scared of the fight that will be put up if I try to gradually retire the boo-ees. Gosh - you've got to wonder how a two year old can weild so much power! Got to love him!

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