Monday, February 26, 2007

Garden Success!

We have finally had some success with our garden! We got a bumper harvest (well compared to last year where we didn't get anything!!) of tomatoes a couple of weeks ago. They were great - used them up in our pasta sauces, casseroles, and even made a tomato sauce with them to dip corn fritters in - Yum! We have heaps of mint grown, plus basil, and rosemary. Our paw paw tree is taller than Liam now - he's quite impressed by that! And we have heaps of paw paw seedlings growing for companions for it - you need a male and a female paw paw tree for them to fruit. We've had two rockmelons - one was lost to fruit flies but the other was eaten in under 24 hours! It was super sweet and just delicious! Very proud of that!!

We've got one tomato plant still going well at the moment, more rockmelons and also some pumpkins growing. Oh and I think I have a couple of capsicum plants too but not sure - they just sprouted from our kitchen scraps so we'll have to wait and see what they are!

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