Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Poor Ewan......

It was a gorgeous day and the boys had a nice time playing and exploring at the park. Poor Ewan was in the wars a bit and twisted his ankle! Took him a little bit to figure out how to transfer his weight enough to walk so he ended up on my hip for half of the playgroup - he always enjoys being held though so it was no problem for him! Must say he is getting a bit heavy for me to carry so much but I borrowed a sling from a friend to use and it does help a bit - Plus it's a gorgeous purple paisley fabric so very funky looking!

Ewan was sick on the weekend with asthma again - the 5th or 6th time in a year! The ventolin wasn't working right - we finally figured out it must be because he can't breathe deep enough for the spacer so we have hired a nebuliser to use at home and it's doing the trick. The Dr we saw finally put us on a preventer - I have been wondering recently whether we should be doing something like this but the Dr's we've seen in the past (we've been to them every time he's had an attack) have just sent us home and told us to keep doing what we're doing. Makes me wonder if they really know much about it or if they really care about the long term - they were just random medical centre Drs. So am going to do some ringing around and see if there are any Drs with a special interest in asthma around because I'm not so willing to trust the medical centre ones we've been seeing.

Ewan is so good with his nebuliser and puffers now though - I just tell him "It's time for your medicine" and he trots over and sits up on the couch. And just now, while he was having his nebuliser he was singing away with the face mask on!

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