Saturday, June 09, 2007

Ewan Quits the Thumb!

Well, I think it's safe to post this now! It's been four nights since Ewan last sucked his thumb and I'm pretty sure he's stopped for good!

I was putting him to bed on Tuesday night and noticed that he didn't suck his thumb while he went off to sleep. Same thing for the next three nights and I don't think he's been sucking it during the day either - unless he's got a secret hideout especially for that - though it's unlikely because he is rarely far from me!!

So that's it. My baby is a big(ish!) boy - no nappies, no breastfeeding, no thumb sucking - Ewan has really had some huge changes over the past year. I'm amazed though at how easy it has been for him to move on from things like breastfeeding and thumb sucking, that he had such a huge obsession with.

This is probably the last photo I have of the thumb in the mouth! Just after he fell asleep at mum's - thumb in mouth, glowstick in hand!

1 comment:

Eilleen said...

awww what a cute pic! And awww he is growing up, huh.