Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Fire Station Visit

Our homeschooling playgroup went to a fire station yesterday. It was fantastic! Very interesting and we even got to see a real call-out! About 5 minutes into our tour the alarm went off - just a digital beeping noise, not a huge clanging bell! So we all had to move out of the way and off they went, sirens blaring. We thought the tour was over then and started making plans. We'd just decided to head to a local park, when the fire truck pulled back in to the station. It was a false alarm so we got to check out the truck a bit more and everyone got to get in too. The kids were crawling all through the cabin and sitting up on the drivers seat playing with the steering wheel. I even jumped in with Ewan - it was great - very comfortable!

Afterwards we all went to the park for lunch and the boys (we have about 6 boys aged between 2 and 4 that come!) were all excited and going crazy! They had a great time though once they settled down!

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