Monday, June 05, 2006

Liam Likes the Girl with No Clothes On......

For some reason we had a copy of the paper delivered to us today - we don't have a subscription so they must have made a mistake with the deliveries.

I was reading it while we ate our lunch. I got to the Entertainment pages and there was a big picture of Sophie Monk, with a tiny bikini on and a seductive gaze.

Liam looked over and said "I like that girl with no clothes on."

"That's nice." I say, lost for words and trying to hide my amusement.

After lunch, I had a quick look on the net. I came back downstairs to find Liam carrying a page from the newspaper - the one with Sophie Monk's picture!! He'd gone and pulled it out to look at again!

"I want you to know what the words say", he says.

So we sit down and Liam listens while I read about Sophie Monk, and how in her latest interview with Ralph magazine, says that she prefers Aussie men to American men. But all the gossip columnist wants to know is whether she and Jude Law are together. I don't think Liam had any idea what I was talking about and he lost interest after that.

Will be interesting to see whether he lets me throw the page out or if we have to keep Sophie Monk for his bedroom wall..........

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