Saturday, July 22, 2006

Swingin Good Time!

Thanks to one very generous Uncle Damien and with a bit of help from Nonna and Dida, the boys are now the proud owners of a swingset!

They are loving it and Ewan especially, would stay on the swing all day - just so longer as he had his personal assistant to push him!! He sits on there calling out "Push Me Mumma/Dadda".

Friday, July 21, 2006

You Got My Kiss?!!

Liam is big on goodbyes at the moment and quite obsessive about how it's done.

When Ben goes to work in the morning, Liam rushes over to the front verandah to wave goodbye and blow kisses. Ben MUST have the window open to receive the kisses. Liam checks that he's got them by yelling in his loudest, deepest, most serious voice, "YOU GOT MY KISS, DAD???!!!". With each kiss, Liam yells this and Ben MUST acknowledge that he has them by nodding, or preferably yelling "Yes".

It is the funniest routine. And even more funny is the look on people's faces when they hear it!! We live opposite a park and near a high school so there are always people walking past in the mornings. It is so funny - although I think Ben does get a bit tired of the 10 minute + routine every morning!!!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Mummy Smells of Wee Wee

We had to see a Dr yesterday about a study that we're taking part in about asthma spacers.

We decided to catch a bus there and then Ben picked us up afterwards on his way home from work. The appointment was at 4:30pm and Ewan hadn't had a sleep all day. I knew he would fall asleep on the bus so I put him in the sling to make it easier to hold him.

He's in undies full time during the day now. I tried to get him to do a wee a before we left but he wouldn't.

So we're sitting on the bus, Ewan is sleeping peacefully, when I start to feel a wet, warmth spread across my lap. I quickly fumbled with the nappy bag to get something to soak it up but it really didn't help much. Ewan just kept weeing and letting it all out as he slept!

I was so embarrassed - walking around with a HUGE wet patch on my skirt and with a strong smell of urine wafting up. Meanwhile Ewan kept sleeping! Everyone was very nice about it but I'm sure had a good laugh afterwards!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Ewan's Latest Phrase!

Ewan is following in the path of his big brother, who always asks "What you doing?" when he talks to people.

Ewan has started following me around saying, "What do mumma?"

Sunday, July 16, 2006

No More Nappies to Wash!!

Ewan has been out of nappies during the day for a week now!

He is doing splendidly - getting himself to the toilet on time and has even mastered the art of weeing standing up and aiming things in the right direction!

We are all so proud of him - Liam too as we told him that he had helped to teach Ewan. Liam is taking this role very seriously still and when they're weeing at the toilet together, Liam makes sure he helps Ewan hold his shirt up - what a great brother!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Liam's Date with Mum

Liam and I went on a date last night! Thought it would be nice for the two of us to spend some time together alone without my little monkey (aka Ewan) attatched to me!

We went to a local lookout, on top of a neaby mountain. Was great - we could see all the city lights sparkling and Liam got to have a go of the telescopes there. He loved it and we are planning of taking Ewan and Daddy there some time to show them.

Liam couldn't resist the ice cream shop so we stopped for an ice cream before hitting the toy shop! It was late night shopping so we went to have a look around a couple of toy shops. I finally managed to drag Liam away from there so that we could have a baby cino and a biscuit.

It was lovely having a chat with my little man! Though he did tell me that when he turns 4 (next month) he is going to be huge. And soon he'll be able to drive, and he and Bubba will go for a drive in a Ute (like they have at the farm), and take us all up to the lookout! I'm hoping that it won't be as soon as he's thinking!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Locked Out!

Liam and I that is!!

We arrived home from a long day out this afternoon at about 3pm. I parked the car, unlocked our front door and (stupidly) turned the button on the door know to make it easier to lock the front door when we got inside. I also put the car keys inside.

I unbuckled Ewan and let him run inside. I was getting Liam out of the car when I heard the door slam!

Ewan had locked us out!!!

I ran over to the door and started talking to Ewan, trying to get him to turn the button, to unlock the door. This is the one door he doesn't know how to unlock - it goes straight on to the street so I don't encourage it!!

Ewan finally got tired of standing around at the front door and, knowing that he had free run of the house, decided to go upstairs and surf the web.

I was running around trying to figure out how to get in when I realised there was one door he could unlock.

The challenge now was getting him away from the computer!

I called out offering biscuits and telling him that Daddy was home. The highschool kids on their way home, walking past our house must have been wondering what this crazy woman was doing calling out to seemingly no one!

Finally I had a brainwave and called out, "Ewan! Nonna's here! Nonna's here Ewan!".

That did it! I heard his feet trotting along to see his beloved Nonna. I called him over telling him that he had to open the door so he could come out and see Nonna. He was so excited! Poor pumpkin was a bit dissappointed when he realised she wasn't here (and he could have kept checking our emails for a little bit longer!!).

So lesson leart and it has certainly been a great story to tell!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Liam the Parachute Man!

Liam is fascinated by parachutes and "parachute men" as he calls them.

Today he decided to try out his own parachuting skills - minus the parachute!

He strategically lined up the bean bag at the bottom of his bunk bed and then took great joy in jumping down into it!

I was vacuuming - always a great thing to do stunts while your mum is busy - when Liam came running down, with the biggest smile on his face, to tell me what he was doing!

Stupid me didn't have a serious talk with him and just said "Ok but don't do it again".

So what do they do - run up and do it again of course!! Ewan had a go this time.

I had a bit of a *feeling* and knew I had to check things out.

I went in to their room to see Ewan doing the silent scream that comes before the big cry. Poor bubba had hit his nose somehow trying to copy Liam.

So we have now had that *serious talk* and I'm hoping that Liam won't be doing anymore parachuting for quite a while!!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Ewan's Birthday Breakfast!

Ewan (and Liam of course!!) got to have a practise run blowing out candles during breakfast yesterday.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Ewan's 2nd Birthday!

Happy Birthday Ewan!!

Ewan had a fantastic day today! He got to open his presents as soon as he woke up. He was very particular and gentle opening them - Liam wanted to rip into them all but we got him to hold off and let Ewan do it (much to Liam's frustration!!). Ewan got a bunch of animals - mostly farm animals with one white tiger! Liam gave him a piglet and the white tiger, while Pop and Heather gave him the cow and calf, rooster and chicken, goat and it's kid. Ewan loves them! His favourties are the pig, rooster, and chicken (he calls it a chickie). He's been carrying them around all day and is fast asleep now with the baby goat in his hand still! He took the chicken, pig and kid to bed - they even had to have some boobie milk before they all went to sleep together! He got a couple of books too, some homemade fisherman's pants (gorgeous!) and a magnetic fishing game.

We had a party in the park this morning. It was a joint party with one of his friends who was born on the same day. Angus was born at 7am and Ewan at 7pm. They loved all the attention - it was so nice seeing their big smiles! We left it pretty casual - no games or anything - the park was enough to keep them all entertained! I made a special fish shaped cake last night for Ewan. The kids were all impressed by the fish and, as usual, loved the smarties that I used to decorate it!

Happy Birthday my darling boy! Love you to bits and am so blessed to have you in my life!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

My Baby is Almost 2!

Ewan turns 2 tomorrow! I can't believe how fast the past 2 years have gone. It feels like Ewan has always been with us though and it is hard to imagine life before him. He has brought so much happiness and joy into our lives. There is never a dull moment with Ewan around - especially when he teams up with Liam!!

I thought I'd post Ewan's birth story tonight, as the 5th of July is when it all started.

Monday 5th of July, 2004

At 41 weeks I was feeling great aside from a head cold and a nasty cough. With everything ready and tired of waiting, I organised to meet up with a friend in the park. Liam had fun playing with the kids while I tried my best to get comfortable sitting on the ground. My friend was amazed that I was still going strong – especially with such a huge belly! I realised that morning that even my longest shirts no longer covered my belly! At the park we talked about going into labour and my plan for the week ahead. I told her that I would try some acupuncture on Thursday to induce the baby if it hadn’t arrived by then. Little did I know that 24 hours later I would start getting my first contractions.

That afternoon I went for my weekly check up with one of my midwives, Rosemary, at the Birth Centre. I was a little nervous as I had a feeling that she may want to do an internal examination. I still remembered how much it had hurt when I had them before Liam was born. Ben and Liam came with me for a bit of moral support. We listened to the baby’s heartbeat and, lying on my back, Rosemary marvelled at my huge, mountainous belly. Seeing as I was 41 weeks, and now officially overdue, she suggested that she do an internal to see how things were looking and maybe even get things started. Despite my nervousness, I agreed. As it turned out, the internal didn’t hurt a bit. I was already 4cm dilated and was very stretchy. Rosemary had a huge smile on her face and said she thought we’d definitely have our baby tonight. If not tonight, definitely within the next 24 to 48 hours. I had to have a CTG trace done to see how the baby was doing. Laying there it all started to sink in. My heart was racing and caught between fear and excitement; I checked and double-checked to make sure Rosemary was serious. As I left she said she’d see me the next morning holding my baby and she wasn’t far off with her prediction.

Rosemary had also suggested that we try some things to help labour get started – hot curry and hot sex! So when we got home we made a call to order some curry but put the sex on hold. Our minds were racing with things we needed to get done, people we had to call and, of course, whether or not tonight was the night. I was so nervous. We had a restless night. I woke a lot with loose bowels and had a few mucousy shows.

Tuesday 6th of July, 2004

I woke feeling strange and somehow I knew that today was the day. I was crampy and having lots of tightenings. I had talked to mum the night before and thought I had better give her an update. I called and let her know that I thought our baby would be soon. With Liam busy watching Playschool, Ben and I took the opportunity to take care of the “hot sex” that Rosemary had suggested. It was anything but “hot”. It did the job though, and soon after I started having irregular contractions. We were almost certain that the baby would arrive today so we started to make plans. Ben’s dad came to spend the day and took care of Liam. My mum got ready to leave so she could be here too.

I tried timing my contractions at around 1:30pm but couldn’t concentrate enough. They were just starting to get a bit niggly but weren’t really painful. Ben took over the timing at 2pm. We timed them for half an hour and the contractions were now coming every 2-3 minutes and were lasting 30-40 seconds. Seeing as they were coming so close we thought we’d better check in with my midwife on duty, Anne. Considering that my first labour with Liam was only 4.5 hours, we decided that I should go into the Birth Centre so that she could see how things were progressing. We left home at 3pm and I was quite teary saying goodbye to Liam knowing that everything would be different when I saw him again.

We arrived at the hospital and, after an internal examination, found out that I was 6 cm dilated. We settled in to our room and once the contractions started getting stronger, I got into the shower. I stayed in the shower for ages, squatting and leaning over a chair during contractions. The water was wonderful and Ben was a great support getting me to concentrate on my breathing to get me through the pain. After about 2 hours in the shower I hit transition. I didn’t know what I wanted or where I wanted to be. I was sick of the pain and just wanted my baby! I ended up on the floor kneeling over a bean bag. I was resting on the bean bag, almost sleeping, between contractions. I was like this for around an hour when Anne told us she had to leave the room for a moment and to call her if anything happened. While she was gone I decided to investigate what was causing the intense pressure down below. I reached down and could feel my waters tight and bulging. I gave a push and my waters exploded giving Ben a bit of a surprise! It was such a relief for me and Ben flew out the door looking for Anne. Anne came back and shortly after I started to push.

According to Anne it was only 5 minutes of pushing – for me though it felt a lot longer. It took all my strength and energy to push Ewan out. It was all very calm and precise though. I listened to Anne and only pushed with my contractions. Once his head was out and he was suctioned, his shoulders and body slid out quickly. I felt every curve and bump as came out. It was the most amazing feeling. He was very alert with apgars of 9 and then 10. Anne and Marion, who had come in at the last minute, helped me turn over. I leaned back on the bean bag and was handed my big boy. He was just gorgeous and we just gazed into each other’s eyes. Exhausted and aching, he felt incredibly heavy though. My arms were sore from holding myself up for the last 4 hours and I was glad when they decided to weigh him. We all took guesses and everyone though he’d definitely cracked the 10 pound mark. We were all shocked to see the scales at 5.1kg or 11 pounds 4 ounces! No wonder I had trouble holding him at first!

Ewan’s birth was extremely empowering and everything I’d dreamed of during my pregnancy. I did it drug free and felt so much more in control and aware of everything. With Liam’s birth I had gas and pethidine and felt like I wasn’t really there. During Ewan’s birth I was able to cope with the pain so much better and was so much calmer during the whole process. I feel so proud and lucky to have been able to have such an amazing birth.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Toilet Talk - Update

Ewan has done all his poos in the potty since yesterday morning and most of his wees!

Once he's finished his wee, he stands up and says, "Me do wee wee" over and over again in the cutest little voice.

We've only had two accidents - once when he did a wee on me and another time on the spare bed. Oh and we've had a few spills 'cause he's also started picking up the potty and carrying it to show us if we don't come quick enough!! Will have to work on that with him!!

I'm so proud of my little boy! He is growing up so fast now and just amazes me with all the stuff he's doing at the moment. It's his birthday this week - he turns 2. I can't believe we're there already! We organised all the party things today and I finally found a cake to make - can't wait - he's going to love it!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Toilet Talk!

Big News here.......

Ewan did his first wee on the potty last night!!!

So this morning when we woke up I asked him if he needed to do a wee, he said yes and sat on the potty. Took him a while but he finally got up and when he did we saw he'd done a POO! Yay Ewan!! He was so proud of himself - he got up and ran in to us saying "Come look Poo. Bubba did Poo. Look!" Our bathroom light is broken so we had to get out the torch to investigate! We spent the next 5 minutes standing, looking at the poo - Ewan was very proud of it and didn't want to leave. Seemed only fitting that we get a photo of the occasion!!