Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas for Yesterday!

We had a great day - how could you not with two energetic, excited boys and lots of new toys and things to play with???

Liam bounded out of bed as soon as his eyes opened. I was already up, when he ran out of his room yelling, "It's Christmas!". So much joy and excitement in his voice and I'm sure the whole neighbourhood heard him - Liam wasn't born with a volume control unfortunately! Poor Ewan was jumped on until he woke from his deep sleep - once the word "presents" was mentioned it didn't take him long to run out to the tree.

The boys scored well and were very happy with everything they got. There were watering cans, books, an ant farm, water pistols, an art easle and paints, a rocket launcher, and cuddly horse cushions among other things.

The morning was spent trying out new toys. Then we headed to my grandparents house for an Italian style feast. With lasagne, glazed ham and salads no one went hungry - especially once we'd had dessert and then afternoon tea! We stayed there the whole afternoon and by the time we left for home the boys were exhausted! They fell asleep in the car on the way home and didn't wake till this morning! Ben and I enjoyed a nice quiet night for a change.

Today we've been shopping at the sales. Ben needed new work clothes. Liam has been full of questions about Santa. How did he get in our house? Is he real? Is he a real man? I told him that Santa is real if he believes he's real. He kept asking again and again. I finally said to him - Do you want to know the truth? How will you feel if he's not real? Liam's reply - But he IS real mum! Needless to say I didn't come out with it! Ewan, meanwhile, started taunting Liam saying - Santa's not real! Over and over again! Cheeky monkey! Liam just kept yelling back at him - He is real!! Funny boys!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Twas the night before Christmas......

The boys are tucked into their beds fast asleep and probably dreaming delicious dreams about Santa and all things Christmas!

They are so excited about Christmas this year! Liam has been talking about it for weeks. Today they were playing and singing together (see the video below) - their song went like this -
"Christmas Time, Christmas Time, Open presents from Santa and Mummy and Daddy, Christmas Time, Christmas Time"

They were singing it over and over again at the top of their voices! I couldn't help but smile, thinking of how great it was to have so much excitement and joy in the house - you just don't feel it on such a grand scale when you don't have little children in your life. Not sure if the neighbours appreciated it though!!!

We've had a busy couple of days but it has been great. We got to catch up with Aunty Nadia and Uncle Anthony yesterday. The boys had a ball seeing them. We went to the fireworks with Anthony and his girlfriend Jess last night. The boys had been out most of the day yesterday, had no sleeps (despite their late night the night before) but were still full of energy at the fireworks - running around with their glow sticks, jumping on Jess, and wrestling with Anthony. It was great seeing them play together! Liam began Star Wars education for Jess while she was here too - he brought out his book about it and took Jess through the whole story. She's never seen Star Wars (neither has he but he knows all about it!!) so Liam felt it was his duty to introduce her to it!! Was so funny listening to him preaching to her. Ewan was just content to cuddle and smile and run around getting them to chase him - always the little charmer - he knows that a cute smile goes a long way!!

Well our Christmas presents are all wrapped, gingerbread, carrots and a drink have been left out for Santa, and the stockings are filled (Santa is very efficient this year!!) so I am off to bed - I think it will be an early start tomorrow morning!

Sleep tight and will have lots of news tomorrow evening I'm sure!

Christmas Song

Liam and Ewan made up a Christmas song today - here they are singing it for you!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Ewan's Evil Eyes

Ewan has this face he pulls at odd moments followed by lots of giggles! He usually does it while we're eating dinner. Taking a mouthfull of food, then going quiet, he looks over at me and makes eye, then the Evil Eyes come out.

I tried to catch it with the camera the other day. This is pretty close to how it looks - so funny! At the rate we're going, Ewan will be the entertainer/performer and Liam will be the crazy inventor - Definately makes for some interesting times at our place!!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Christmas Tree!

We put our Christmas Tree up today. The boys are so excited about Christmas! It's so much fun with them and being able to experience Christmas through the eyes of a child again is so precious.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Fire Station Visit

Our homeschooling playgroup went to a fire station yesterday. It was fantastic! Very interesting and we even got to see a real call-out! About 5 minutes into our tour the alarm went off - just a digital beeping noise, not a huge clanging bell! So we all had to move out of the way and off they went, sirens blaring. We thought the tour was over then and started making plans. We'd just decided to head to a local park, when the fire truck pulled back in to the station. It was a false alarm so we got to check out the truck a bit more and everyone got to get in too. The kids were crawling all through the cabin and sitting up on the drivers seat playing with the steering wheel. I even jumped in with Ewan - it was great - very comfortable!

Afterwards we all went to the park for lunch and the boys (we have about 6 boys aged between 2 and 4 that come!) were all excited and going crazy! They had a great time though once they settled down!

Liam The Creator

Liam is always busy creating things. Give him a roll of sticky tape, some toilet rolls, old boxes, any bits of rubbish really - and he's in heaven! He wakes at around 4:30/5am every morning and gets straight into it. He's been making some interesting things lately.

Here's his space helmet:

And his oxygen tank:

Afternoon Entertainment: Cardboard Boxes and A Hill

This is the boys' favourite afternoon entertainment! It's just out the front of our house - we have an extremely steep front yard - perfect for sliding down! Certainly puts all our packing boxes to good use!

Ewan's Vehicle of Choice:


Liam Rolling Down:

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Visit to Pop's House

We went up to see Pop and Heather's new house. It's not finished yet but they have certainly come a long way - it's looking great and we all loved it!

Heather's grandchildren, Candice and Memphis, were visiting too so the kids had a great time playing and exploring together. They also got to help decorate the Christmas Tree!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Sleeping Buddies

Ben was out last night so I put the boys to sleep in my bed. I lay in between them until they went to sleep. Later when we went to go to bed the boys were all snuggled up together.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Chef Liam

We had lunch at Nonna Lucy's house today. Chef Liam decided to create his own recipe. He was very proud of it and we all had to have a taste. He told Nonna Lucy that now she knew how to make it, she could cook it for dinner!

Here's the recipe -

Bread Pasta

Cooked Pasta
Bread Rolls


1. Pull bread roll apart making lots of bread crumbs.

2. Mix bread crumbs through pasta.

3. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

My Big Boy is Growing Up

This is Liam's 2nd night away from us. He went home with Nonna and Dida on Wednesday afternoon to stay with them for a few days on the farm. He was very excited and couldn't wait to go. I was nervous and didn't want to let go.

On Tuesday night, we had a bit of a talk - had some making up to do after a few angry episodes from both of us.

I said to Liam - "I'm going to miss you so much when you go to Nonna's." (I started crying)

Liam, very matter of fact - "I'll call you mum. You'll get to talk to me on the phone you know."

Me - Sobbing and laughing at the same time

He just sounded so grown up. Something you think of a teenager saying - not your 4 year old!

So Wednesday came and we spent most of the day together. It was really nice. Ewan conveniently went to sleep early, so Liam and I had some special time together doing craft and having morning tea. I made sure I talked to him and really listened to him. My heart was so full of love. Sometimes you forget how much you love them when they get older and so much more assertive. You have to look harder for the warm wonderful side when there have been days of being grumpy and both of us wanting different things. Liam and I are very much alike - both stubborn and like things a particular way - certainly makes life interesting! But he is also wonderfully warm and caring. Creative and funny. Clever and innovative - the things he can make out of a toilet roll and a cereal box amaze me!!

Saying goodbye was hard. I tried to hold back the tears but I couldn't. I told him how much I loved him and said goodbye. He said "I love you mummy" in his sweet, sincere little voice.

The house is so quiet without Liam. I knew that he talks a lot but it's only now without his constant questions that I realise just how much! Ewan asks about Liam a lot and has been saying things like "Here's a balloon for Lee (that's how he says Liam!)" forgetting that he's not here. He is enjoying it though and is getting in as much talk as he can while he has the chance! Ewan's been running around and loving the freedom to do what he wants instead of what Liam wants.

We've talked to Liam and he is having a great time too. Keeping busy with all the action of the farm work - lots of tractors and driving in trucks - all things he loves. I'm sure we'll be hearing about it for weeks afterwards!

We are going to pick him up tomorrow night. I can't wait to see him!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Melbourne Cup Luncheon!

We have our Homeschool Playgroup every fortnight and today was a playgroup day. So to celebrate the Melbourne Cup we had our own luncheon complete with hat making and our very own stick horse race!

It was a great day and everyone had a ball.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

How 'Bout Nonna!

How 'bout Nonna - has become a common phrase around here thanks to Ewan.

Goes something like this........

Me: Who's bed do you want to sleep in?

Ewan: Nonna's bed. Me like sleeping with Nonna.

Me: What about Mummy?

Ewan: How 'bout Nonna.


Me: Guess who loves you? (meaning me!)

Ewan: Nonna!

Me: What about Mummy?

Ewan: How 'bout Nonna.

He knows how funny I think it is now so he says it all the time. Cheeky monkey!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Don't Lose Weight Mum!

Liam was up before 5am again this morning. I played with him for a little bit while Ben slept. Just after 5:30 though I decided to go for a walk.

I woke up Ben and asked him to get up so I could go. He was a bit eager with his yes and I jokingly said "Oh so you think I need to lose weight!".

Liam heard this and said "Don't lose weight mum! You'll be too short if you lose weight".

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

A New House

Well here we are in our new house and with life back to normal.

We found a house in a nearby suburb - not exactly where we wanted to be - but we didn't have much choice! We only found this place a week or so before we needed to move out of the old place!

It is working out great though and must have been meant to be! It's a great place with 4 bedrooms, seperate lounge and dining, all on one level, and with a nice size yard. We've already started our garden and have lots of herbs and a few tomato plants in - with more to come! The boys are loving it and it really feels like home.

The move went well though with being sick in the weeks leading up - first with gastro and then head colds - it was pretty full on. We got there though as always and have been here for almost a month now! Time flies - especially at this time of year! Can't believe it's getting close to Christmas already!!

Friday, September 29, 2006

5th Wedding Anniversay

Tomorrow is mine and Ben's 5th Wedding Anniversary! Can't believe how quickly 5 years have flown by and how much our lives have changed since that day - the arrival of two little boys certainly helped with that!!

We were telling Liam about it today. I asked him what we should do to celebrate (we don't have anything planned!). Liam said that we should have chocolate cake with cream and strawberries. He thinks the cake should be in the shape of a rocket - just like the one he had for his 3rd birthday - but without a number 3.

We didn't get the house we applied for - the owner has decided not to rent it out anymore. So I told Liam that we could have cake tomorrow but will have to go look at some houses as well. The look on his face was priceless - so dissappointed and sad - as he said "Oh no not tomorrow, I don't want to do that tomorrow - not on our anniversary!".

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Unwanted Guest

We had an unwanted guest stay with us last week. He goes by the name of Gastro. He over stayed his welcome - a full week - and we are still getting back into the swing of things now. Left us all feeling washed out and tired. Don't know who invited him here because I sure didn't!!

Our search for a new house to live in continues. We found the perfect place yesterday and put in an application. Trying not to get my hopes up too much just in case we don't get it. At the same time I'm hoping madly that we do get it - I really want to have a date set for our move and an end in sight. It feels like our whole life is on hold at the moment waiting to move and wondering when it will be. So keep your fingers crossed for us! Hopefully I will have some good news soon!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

A Night Out!

Last night I had my 10 year school reunion - in Toowoomba. So I was very brave and left Ewan for the first night ever!

We all survived and thrived! It was great! 24 hours alone! I did have a bit of a cry saying goodbye and driving there (big sook!) but after that had a great night.

Ben looked after the boys and they had a great time. Ewan got a bit upset during the night but only for about 10 mins and then resettled.

I came home this afternoon after brunch and browsing garden shops with Aunty Margaret and a friend of hers. The boys were happy to see me when I got home but not too concerned that I had actually been away. I asked them if they had a good time and they both said they had and then Liam said I could go away again! Hmmm the next reunion is 10 years away so I had better find another excuse while the offer is there! It was soooooo nice to have a break!

What was Ben's secret to success?? Movies to watch, popcorn, juice, biscuits, Star Wars games, and cubby house building - kept busy with special treats and full bellies!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Moving House Again!

I have been putting off writing this post as I've been a bit pissed off about it all.

We got a letter from our Real Estate agent last week informing us that our lease ends on October 15. The owners are selling the house and we need to move by the end of the lease. We knew from the start that they wanted to sell the house but I had hoped we could stay while they were selling the house - and back in January, October seemed soooo far away!

I am so not ready to leave yet! I really like this house and have been wallowing in a bit of self pity! Am pulling myself together though and we have a few rentals to look at this week so will keep my fingers crossed!

Liam and Ewan are taking it ok. We were telling them about it last week and Ewan said "Me move Nonna house"! Meanwhile Liam suggested that we get Nonna to buy us a house! Liam keeps asking me why other people don't have to move - like when we were at my grandparents house he asked if they were moving house and why not! Guess it must seem a bit strange for him that we move all the time when everyone else stays put!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

A Busy Weekend!

We have had a huge weekend!

We went on trip to the coast to visit Pop and Heather on Saturday. Uncle Damien and Hazel were up from Tasmania too so we got to spend some time with them as well. Liam and Ewan loved seeing them all again! They tend to get VERY excited when Uncle Damien is around so there was lots of screaming, laughter, and running around! Heather has just had surgery to replace discs in her back so she was still very fragile. Liam was fascinated by the details of her op but also very sweet - he kept stopping to go over and give her cuddles - so lovely! They were staying in a hotel across from the beach while Heather recovered before her 1 week checkup. We went over for a walk to the beach and it was great! The boys had a ball building castle in the sand and I always love to walk along the beach - so relaxing! We'll have to do it more often! To top it off the boys both fell asleep in the car on the way home - at around 4:30pm and didn't wake till 6:30am the next morning!!! Ben and I were shocked! Was lovely having a peaceful night after such a big day though.

Today is Father's Day! Liam has been hanging out for today - we got Ben a clone trooper and a Yoda toy (from Star Wars) so Liam has been itching to play with them! Ben also had a special breakfast complete with eggs, bacon, sausages and baked beans this morning - was great for a change! The boys had a great time with the new Star Wars toys but sadly Yoda has dissappeared! We have no idea where he is and have searched the whole house for him. Ewan was the last to have him so God only knows where he is! Probably with the piglet and white tiger toys he got for his birthday!!

We also went to a 4th birthday party for one of Liam's friends today. It was at a miniture train track so we all had plenty of rides on the little steam trains - it was great. After the party we made our way home for a rest before Uncle Damien arrived. The boys were in heaven with Uncle Damien and Hazel here - they had the best time and everyone was worn out by the end of it!! Damien and Hazel shouted dinner for Ben and I while they babysat. We arrived home just after the boys had fallen asleep and Damien was flaked on the couch saying to us that he didn't know how we did it!

A very busy weekend but a great one too - so good to catch up with family and to have time together. I always love it when the boys are with their Uncles/Aunts - they always enjoy it so much - we are very lucky to have such a great family!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Happy Birthday Alastair - 4 Today!!!

Hope you have a fantastic birthday Alastair! Have lots of fun, laughter, and hope you enjoy being 4!

Happy Birthday Uncle Damien!

Have a great day Uncle Damien! Hope you have fun and we will have to have some cake with you when you visit! See you soon!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Ewan and His "Boo-ees"

Seems Ewan has an addiction. He's always been very attatched to my breastmilk but lately it's become quite serious. He has his hand down my top for a good part of the day - pretty much the whole time we're together. Drives me insane but he goes even more insane if he's refused access. I'm starting to wonder if there are breast patches you can get for weaning - to help him out with the cravings - kind of like nicotine patches but a much sweeter variety?????

This evening, Ewan was laying on my chest, one thumb in his mouth, the other hand on my breast. I wanted to have a shower but he wouldn't budge. Two year olds are pretty sure about what they want and when they want it - ie NOW. The only way I could get away was by telling him that I needed to wash my boo-ees (as he calls them!) so that he could have nice clean ones. He had a little think and decided that it was a good idea, "Mumma wash boo-ees", he told me as he got up to play until I was done. Yes Master, Ruler of the Boo-ees............

Not sure how much longer we will last but I am a little scared of the fight that will be put up if I try to gradually retire the boo-ees. Gosh - you've got to wonder how a two year old can weild so much power! Got to love him!

Lunching with The Ladies

Ewan was lucky enough to accompany me and my friend, Annie, to lunch on Saturday.

He loved the extra attention and lapped it up. He was treated like royalty at the cafe - lounging on the couch, being entertained, and adored by his fans (all two of us!).

Friday, August 25, 2006

Sleeping Beauty

Just thought I'd share a few photos I took today of my sleeping beauty - Ewan.

He rolled over as I was taking the photos, but didn't wake.

Funny Things They Say

Dida is rubbing off on Liam..... since we saw Dida last Liam has been saying "Boukela" all the time! No idea what it means, but dad has always said it - called us that as a way of saying we were being silly. So funny hearing Liam saying it! He's also started calling people "Donkey" too - as in "You big donkey"........ don't think I can blame that on Dida though as it is something I've been know to say quite a bit......... Funny thing was Liam talking to Dida on the phone after his birthday. Liam still thought it was his birthday (the day after), Dida must have disagreed, so Liam says "It is my birthday, Donkey!". And then after spending the day with Dida saying "I've been talking to you all day Dida, I don't want to talk to you anymore." They always tell it like it is, that's for sure!

Ewan has started pretending - pretending to be a dog and mostly pretending (though it's more real than pretend!!) to be a baby! I ask Ewan if he's a big boy, and he says "NO, me baby" and then proceeds to do his baby cry - because babies can't talk! He's also convinced his name is Bubba. The other night we asked him what his name is, he told us "Me Bubba". "Who's Ewan?" we asked, he says "Bubba". "Where's Ewan?" "In Bubba" of course! He must think we are complete idiots! We always call him Bubba, yet we still don't know what his name is!!!

My Cuddly Boys

As I write, the boys are both sound asleep in my bed together. Ben went out to a friend's place tonight and the boys were a bit upset about it. So we all hopped into the Queen bed together and snuggled up. Ewan had his "milk in bed" and Liam cuddled up to my back.

So nice to be able to do this with them still! I love my cuddly, snuggly boys!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Happy 30th Birthday to the best Dad there is!

You make our days brighter, you warm our hearts, you are awesome at building with Lego and make up the best Buzz and Woody stories!

Love you lots and hope you enjoyed your day!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Liam is 4!

I think the highlight of Liam's day was opening Pop and Heather's present! They gave him a Woody toy (from Toy Story) and it's barely left his side since!

After taking Ben to work, we went to see Nonna and Dida, at Peter's house. Liam got to watch Playschool - bit of a treat as we don't watch TV at home! The boys stood glued to the screen for the whole half hour - they loved it! Then it was off to look at all the animals getting ready for the local show. Ewan and I went to do some shopping and had lunch together. When I asked Liam what he saw he said "Cows and horses. And chickens and ducks". Nonna and Dida said he was more interested in playing with Woody! He made a house for Woody out of some empty drink crates there which he was very proud of!

We had Sausages for dinner - just sausages as requested - and afterwards his cake.

The four of us had our own party with party hats and pass the parcel. There were parachute men and giant balloons between each layer which were a big hit. Liam had told me that he needed more parachute men last week as all his had broken.

Liam also got some Knights Kingdom lego, a dinosaur craft set to make magnets, two Toy Story activity books, a Duplo Jet refueling truck and an animal activity book. He was very happy with his stash to say the least but it has been a challenge to keep Bubba from getting in to it all. Ewan was also a bit upset that he wasn't allowed to take Woody to bed with him!

We made special tie dyed shirts to wear too - Liam's with a number 4 on it and one for Ewan with a number 2.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Happy Birthday Liam!

Happy 4th Birthday Liam!

This time 4 years ago, you were just entering our world! I'm blown away by how quickly you have grown up.

You are an amazing little boy, full of life and bursting with energy, you know what you want, are never afraid to speak your mind, and have a great sense of humour! You make me laugh, and sometimes cry, because you are so stubborn!

I have definately learnt a lot about parenting and myself from you. You've taught me to listen, that though you may be small - that doesn't mean you don't have feelings, and even though you tell me how big and grown up you are, you still need my love, cuddles and lots of patience.

I'm learning more and more each day and I am looking forward to watching you grow and learn over the coming year. Life with you around is never boring and I love having you around. I can't imagine life without you - your smile lights up the room, your cuddles melt my heart, and as frustrating as it can be sometimes, your energy, sensitive nature, endless questions, all make life interesting and keep us on our toes. Those times when we've clashed and butted heads have ended up being some of the most special moments once we've calmed down and talked things over. You are an amazing boy and I'm so proud of you!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Swingin Good Time!

Thanks to one very generous Uncle Damien and with a bit of help from Nonna and Dida, the boys are now the proud owners of a swingset!

They are loving it and Ewan especially, would stay on the swing all day - just so longer as he had his personal assistant to push him!! He sits on there calling out "Push Me Mumma/Dadda".

Friday, July 21, 2006

You Got My Kiss?!!

Liam is big on goodbyes at the moment and quite obsessive about how it's done.

When Ben goes to work in the morning, Liam rushes over to the front verandah to wave goodbye and blow kisses. Ben MUST have the window open to receive the kisses. Liam checks that he's got them by yelling in his loudest, deepest, most serious voice, "YOU GOT MY KISS, DAD???!!!". With each kiss, Liam yells this and Ben MUST acknowledge that he has them by nodding, or preferably yelling "Yes".

It is the funniest routine. And even more funny is the look on people's faces when they hear it!! We live opposite a park and near a high school so there are always people walking past in the mornings. It is so funny - although I think Ben does get a bit tired of the 10 minute + routine every morning!!!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Mummy Smells of Wee Wee

We had to see a Dr yesterday about a study that we're taking part in about asthma spacers.

We decided to catch a bus there and then Ben picked us up afterwards on his way home from work. The appointment was at 4:30pm and Ewan hadn't had a sleep all day. I knew he would fall asleep on the bus so I put him in the sling to make it easier to hold him.

He's in undies full time during the day now. I tried to get him to do a wee a before we left but he wouldn't.

So we're sitting on the bus, Ewan is sleeping peacefully, when I start to feel a wet, warmth spread across my lap. I quickly fumbled with the nappy bag to get something to soak it up but it really didn't help much. Ewan just kept weeing and letting it all out as he slept!

I was so embarrassed - walking around with a HUGE wet patch on my skirt and with a strong smell of urine wafting up. Meanwhile Ewan kept sleeping! Everyone was very nice about it but I'm sure had a good laugh afterwards!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Ewan's Latest Phrase!

Ewan is following in the path of his big brother, who always asks "What you doing?" when he talks to people.

Ewan has started following me around saying, "What do mumma?"

Sunday, July 16, 2006

No More Nappies to Wash!!

Ewan has been out of nappies during the day for a week now!

He is doing splendidly - getting himself to the toilet on time and has even mastered the art of weeing standing up and aiming things in the right direction!

We are all so proud of him - Liam too as we told him that he had helped to teach Ewan. Liam is taking this role very seriously still and when they're weeing at the toilet together, Liam makes sure he helps Ewan hold his shirt up - what a great brother!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Liam's Date with Mum

Liam and I went on a date last night! Thought it would be nice for the two of us to spend some time together alone without my little monkey (aka Ewan) attatched to me!

We went to a local lookout, on top of a neaby mountain. Was great - we could see all the city lights sparkling and Liam got to have a go of the telescopes there. He loved it and we are planning of taking Ewan and Daddy there some time to show them.

Liam couldn't resist the ice cream shop so we stopped for an ice cream before hitting the toy shop! It was late night shopping so we went to have a look around a couple of toy shops. I finally managed to drag Liam away from there so that we could have a baby cino and a biscuit.

It was lovely having a chat with my little man! Though he did tell me that when he turns 4 (next month) he is going to be huge. And soon he'll be able to drive, and he and Bubba will go for a drive in a Ute (like they have at the farm), and take us all up to the lookout! I'm hoping that it won't be as soon as he's thinking!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Locked Out!

Liam and I that is!!

We arrived home from a long day out this afternoon at about 3pm. I parked the car, unlocked our front door and (stupidly) turned the button on the door know to make it easier to lock the front door when we got inside. I also put the car keys inside.

I unbuckled Ewan and let him run inside. I was getting Liam out of the car when I heard the door slam!

Ewan had locked us out!!!

I ran over to the door and started talking to Ewan, trying to get him to turn the button, to unlock the door. This is the one door he doesn't know how to unlock - it goes straight on to the street so I don't encourage it!!

Ewan finally got tired of standing around at the front door and, knowing that he had free run of the house, decided to go upstairs and surf the web.

I was running around trying to figure out how to get in when I realised there was one door he could unlock.

The challenge now was getting him away from the computer!

I called out offering biscuits and telling him that Daddy was home. The highschool kids on their way home, walking past our house must have been wondering what this crazy woman was doing calling out to seemingly no one!

Finally I had a brainwave and called out, "Ewan! Nonna's here! Nonna's here Ewan!".

That did it! I heard his feet trotting along to see his beloved Nonna. I called him over telling him that he had to open the door so he could come out and see Nonna. He was so excited! Poor pumpkin was a bit dissappointed when he realised she wasn't here (and he could have kept checking our emails for a little bit longer!!).

So lesson leart and it has certainly been a great story to tell!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Liam the Parachute Man!

Liam is fascinated by parachutes and "parachute men" as he calls them.

Today he decided to try out his own parachuting skills - minus the parachute!

He strategically lined up the bean bag at the bottom of his bunk bed and then took great joy in jumping down into it!

I was vacuuming - always a great thing to do stunts while your mum is busy - when Liam came running down, with the biggest smile on his face, to tell me what he was doing!

Stupid me didn't have a serious talk with him and just said "Ok but don't do it again".

So what do they do - run up and do it again of course!! Ewan had a go this time.

I had a bit of a *feeling* and knew I had to check things out.

I went in to their room to see Ewan doing the silent scream that comes before the big cry. Poor bubba had hit his nose somehow trying to copy Liam.

So we have now had that *serious talk* and I'm hoping that Liam won't be doing anymore parachuting for quite a while!!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Ewan's Birthday Breakfast!

Ewan (and Liam of course!!) got to have a practise run blowing out candles during breakfast yesterday.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Ewan's 2nd Birthday!

Happy Birthday Ewan!!

Ewan had a fantastic day today! He got to open his presents as soon as he woke up. He was very particular and gentle opening them - Liam wanted to rip into them all but we got him to hold off and let Ewan do it (much to Liam's frustration!!). Ewan got a bunch of animals - mostly farm animals with one white tiger! Liam gave him a piglet and the white tiger, while Pop and Heather gave him the cow and calf, rooster and chicken, goat and it's kid. Ewan loves them! His favourties are the pig, rooster, and chicken (he calls it a chickie). He's been carrying them around all day and is fast asleep now with the baby goat in his hand still! He took the chicken, pig and kid to bed - they even had to have some boobie milk before they all went to sleep together! He got a couple of books too, some homemade fisherman's pants (gorgeous!) and a magnetic fishing game.

We had a party in the park this morning. It was a joint party with one of his friends who was born on the same day. Angus was born at 7am and Ewan at 7pm. They loved all the attention - it was so nice seeing their big smiles! We left it pretty casual - no games or anything - the park was enough to keep them all entertained! I made a special fish shaped cake last night for Ewan. The kids were all impressed by the fish and, as usual, loved the smarties that I used to decorate it!

Happy Birthday my darling boy! Love you to bits and am so blessed to have you in my life!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

My Baby is Almost 2!

Ewan turns 2 tomorrow! I can't believe how fast the past 2 years have gone. It feels like Ewan has always been with us though and it is hard to imagine life before him. He has brought so much happiness and joy into our lives. There is never a dull moment with Ewan around - especially when he teams up with Liam!!

I thought I'd post Ewan's birth story tonight, as the 5th of July is when it all started.

Monday 5th of July, 2004

At 41 weeks I was feeling great aside from a head cold and a nasty cough. With everything ready and tired of waiting, I organised to meet up with a friend in the park. Liam had fun playing with the kids while I tried my best to get comfortable sitting on the ground. My friend was amazed that I was still going strong – especially with such a huge belly! I realised that morning that even my longest shirts no longer covered my belly! At the park we talked about going into labour and my plan for the week ahead. I told her that I would try some acupuncture on Thursday to induce the baby if it hadn’t arrived by then. Little did I know that 24 hours later I would start getting my first contractions.

That afternoon I went for my weekly check up with one of my midwives, Rosemary, at the Birth Centre. I was a little nervous as I had a feeling that she may want to do an internal examination. I still remembered how much it had hurt when I had them before Liam was born. Ben and Liam came with me for a bit of moral support. We listened to the baby’s heartbeat and, lying on my back, Rosemary marvelled at my huge, mountainous belly. Seeing as I was 41 weeks, and now officially overdue, she suggested that she do an internal to see how things were looking and maybe even get things started. Despite my nervousness, I agreed. As it turned out, the internal didn’t hurt a bit. I was already 4cm dilated and was very stretchy. Rosemary had a huge smile on her face and said she thought we’d definitely have our baby tonight. If not tonight, definitely within the next 24 to 48 hours. I had to have a CTG trace done to see how the baby was doing. Laying there it all started to sink in. My heart was racing and caught between fear and excitement; I checked and double-checked to make sure Rosemary was serious. As I left she said she’d see me the next morning holding my baby and she wasn’t far off with her prediction.

Rosemary had also suggested that we try some things to help labour get started – hot curry and hot sex! So when we got home we made a call to order some curry but put the sex on hold. Our minds were racing with things we needed to get done, people we had to call and, of course, whether or not tonight was the night. I was so nervous. We had a restless night. I woke a lot with loose bowels and had a few mucousy shows.

Tuesday 6th of July, 2004

I woke feeling strange and somehow I knew that today was the day. I was crampy and having lots of tightenings. I had talked to mum the night before and thought I had better give her an update. I called and let her know that I thought our baby would be soon. With Liam busy watching Playschool, Ben and I took the opportunity to take care of the “hot sex” that Rosemary had suggested. It was anything but “hot”. It did the job though, and soon after I started having irregular contractions. We were almost certain that the baby would arrive today so we started to make plans. Ben’s dad came to spend the day and took care of Liam. My mum got ready to leave so she could be here too.

I tried timing my contractions at around 1:30pm but couldn’t concentrate enough. They were just starting to get a bit niggly but weren’t really painful. Ben took over the timing at 2pm. We timed them for half an hour and the contractions were now coming every 2-3 minutes and were lasting 30-40 seconds. Seeing as they were coming so close we thought we’d better check in with my midwife on duty, Anne. Considering that my first labour with Liam was only 4.5 hours, we decided that I should go into the Birth Centre so that she could see how things were progressing. We left home at 3pm and I was quite teary saying goodbye to Liam knowing that everything would be different when I saw him again.

We arrived at the hospital and, after an internal examination, found out that I was 6 cm dilated. We settled in to our room and once the contractions started getting stronger, I got into the shower. I stayed in the shower for ages, squatting and leaning over a chair during contractions. The water was wonderful and Ben was a great support getting me to concentrate on my breathing to get me through the pain. After about 2 hours in the shower I hit transition. I didn’t know what I wanted or where I wanted to be. I was sick of the pain and just wanted my baby! I ended up on the floor kneeling over a bean bag. I was resting on the bean bag, almost sleeping, between contractions. I was like this for around an hour when Anne told us she had to leave the room for a moment and to call her if anything happened. While she was gone I decided to investigate what was causing the intense pressure down below. I reached down and could feel my waters tight and bulging. I gave a push and my waters exploded giving Ben a bit of a surprise! It was such a relief for me and Ben flew out the door looking for Anne. Anne came back and shortly after I started to push.

According to Anne it was only 5 minutes of pushing – for me though it felt a lot longer. It took all my strength and energy to push Ewan out. It was all very calm and precise though. I listened to Anne and only pushed with my contractions. Once his head was out and he was suctioned, his shoulders and body slid out quickly. I felt every curve and bump as came out. It was the most amazing feeling. He was very alert with apgars of 9 and then 10. Anne and Marion, who had come in at the last minute, helped me turn over. I leaned back on the bean bag and was handed my big boy. He was just gorgeous and we just gazed into each other’s eyes. Exhausted and aching, he felt incredibly heavy though. My arms were sore from holding myself up for the last 4 hours and I was glad when they decided to weigh him. We all took guesses and everyone though he’d definitely cracked the 10 pound mark. We were all shocked to see the scales at 5.1kg or 11 pounds 4 ounces! No wonder I had trouble holding him at first!

Ewan’s birth was extremely empowering and everything I’d dreamed of during my pregnancy. I did it drug free and felt so much more in control and aware of everything. With Liam’s birth I had gas and pethidine and felt like I wasn’t really there. During Ewan’s birth I was able to cope with the pain so much better and was so much calmer during the whole process. I feel so proud and lucky to have been able to have such an amazing birth.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Toilet Talk - Update

Ewan has done all his poos in the potty since yesterday morning and most of his wees!

Once he's finished his wee, he stands up and says, "Me do wee wee" over and over again in the cutest little voice.

We've only had two accidents - once when he did a wee on me and another time on the spare bed. Oh and we've had a few spills 'cause he's also started picking up the potty and carrying it to show us if we don't come quick enough!! Will have to work on that with him!!

I'm so proud of my little boy! He is growing up so fast now and just amazes me with all the stuff he's doing at the moment. It's his birthday this week - he turns 2. I can't believe we're there already! We organised all the party things today and I finally found a cake to make - can't wait - he's going to love it!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Toilet Talk!

Big News here.......

Ewan did his first wee on the potty last night!!!

So this morning when we woke up I asked him if he needed to do a wee, he said yes and sat on the potty. Took him a while but he finally got up and when he did we saw he'd done a POO! Yay Ewan!! He was so proud of himself - he got up and ran in to us saying "Come look Poo. Bubba did Poo. Look!" Our bathroom light is broken so we had to get out the torch to investigate! We spent the next 5 minutes standing, looking at the poo - Ewan was very proud of it and didn't want to leave. Seemed only fitting that we get a photo of the occasion!!

Friday, June 30, 2006

Rain, Rain, Rain!

Well after so long without it and all the plants and grass starting to die off (if they weren't already dead!), we have finally had some rain!

It rained a lot of last week and we've had a few showers here and there this week. It's amazing how fast things have sprung back to life - the grass is green again!

Liam dug out a poncho from somewhere and had a ball wandering around in the rain.